Increasing response rates

It’s not about how many flyers you send out, it’s about how many responses you get back for you to convert into customers. We want to talk to you about how to get more responses and ultimately more return from your marketing investment.

Be interesting, be relevant to your customer

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. Your campaign needs to make an instant impact that makes the recipient respond to your marketing. Higher response rates lead to a greater return on investment. With innovative print ideas and interesting design, you just might increase your response rates, which can make a real difference to your bottom line.

Be vibrant

There’s more to marketing than just words. By nature people are visual and are attracted to vibrant images. Interesting and relevant photography within a well crafted design will grab attention and be more likely to encourage a response. We have access to millions of images to help add that wow factor to your marketing campaigns.

Customer acquisition vs customer retention

Of course, as you plan your next campaign, you’re focussed on getting prospects through the door and converting them to customers. Of the two (acquisition vs retention), customer acquisition is typically the more costly activity. It could even be that acquiring a customer’s first order is a loss making exercise. But it shouldn’t end there. The key to maximising your Return on Investment is not only the ability to acquire new customers but to keep those customers coming back. Once you acquire that valuable customer, how often do you expect them to order and what can you do to maintain or increase that number? Retaining the customers you acquire will boost the return on your marketing investment for every campaign.